Slip Proof NZ supplies New Zealand wide to help create slip-free, non-hazardous environments in Commercial, Industrial and Residential areas.

Some very nasty injuries can be sustained from slipping. Ranging from serious head injuries to hip injuries, permanent back injuries and broken bones. All precaution must be taken towards slip prevention.

Slip Proof NZ provides great customer service, professional Anti-Slip floor, stair, deck and ramp solutions and an online store where you can order everything you need to help prevent slips and falls in your home or workplace.

All of our products are so easy to apply or install, that you can Do-it-Yourself. So contact us about your next Anti-Slip project, there’s no place better to start putting your safety plan into action than Slip Proof NZ.

About Us

Slip Proof NZ Ltd (previously named Floorsafe NZ (2008) Ltd) was formed by Murray and Julie Jepson out of pure accident (literally). They were looking for a business idea when Julie slipped on wet tiles in their kitchen and slipped over, hitting the edge of the kitchen bench and resulting in a trip to the doctors.

While looking for solutions to remedy their slippery tiles, they came across Floorsafe Australia looking for an agent in NZ. Within a week, they were on a plane to Adelaide and completed a training course with the Australian team. Upon their return to the Bay of Plenty they created Floorsafe NZ - which was renamed to Slip Proof NZ Ltd in January 2023 (still owned by Murray and Julie Jepson).

The business started out of their garage and soon after, three large garden sheds were added to accommodate further stock. With the increase in sales and the need to have a better equipped cutting, packaging and storage facility, the company moved to their current premises in Katikati in 2018 and now work out of an industrial shed with an additional separate office.

Various products have been trialed throughout this time and only products we are fully satisfied with make it to our range and new products will continue to be introduced. We pride ourselves on the quality of our products and, with importing and distributing direct, we are confident our prices will continue to be the most competitive in New Zealand.

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